A Welcome Message From Our Founder Emmett Avery

What People Are Saying
My Social Calendar has changed my life.
I have new lifelong friends that I wouldn’t have had if it hadn’t been for My Social Calendar. Plus, there is a great variety of things I wouldn’t have done if I didn’t join My Social Calendar. I always look forward to the events to see my friends.
- Bruce R.
This turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
When I first joined My Social Calendar I was not sure what to expect. I saw a calendar of events that all interested me although at the time hesitant I still made the decision to join. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
- Christopher P.
I count my lucky stars every day that I decided to join.
I was 36/recently divorced when I joined. I worked at a global tech co and traveled for work, but in town I worked out of my house. My friends were dating or married, so I didn’t always want to be the 3rd wheel. As a member, I met some great people, now dear friends and had the chance to do some really cool things that I wouldn’t have done on my own (or known about). Most importantly I met a great guy through the group.
- Carolina J.
I count my lucky stars every day that I decided to join.
“When I heard the advertisement for My Social Calendar on the radio I knew this was the club for me. I have been divorced for over 18 years and more recently had ended an 8-year relationship. After my divorce I was more comfortable getting out in the world of singles, but after my last relationship I did not feel that way. When I had my phone interview with My Social Calendar I knew immediately that this would be the best thing I have ever done for myself.
- Donna A.
The experience was mind-blowing.
I joined my first event today – zip lining. The experience was mind-blowing. The people were awesome and so much fun. Joining My Social Calendar is already an outstanding decision and I absolutely cannot wait for the next event. Thanks so much to MSC for getting me out of my rut and have the opportunity to meet so many great Members.
- Joshua T.
I’m a new Member, and have gone to two events, with two more planned for this week. I wanted to tell you I’m impressed with my experience so far. You run a nice program, and I appreciate the communication. I joined MSC to find events that I enjoyed and to be able to just have fun with quality people, without the pressure of impressing a date. I’m recently divorced after returning from Iraq for a year, and just needed some adjusting time to “single life," and not to rush into anything serious with anyone. I heard the advertisement on the radio, so I went and looked online for more info about My Social Calendar. Well I found quite a few people disparaging the Club. Please don’t let that discourage you!! I think these are simply people who: A. want something for nothing or B. don’t get the work it takes to set up just 1 event for all the Members, let alone 20+ events a month. It has been well worth my time and investment thus far in joining MSC.
- Anthony J.
I feel that joining My Social Calendar is one of the best decisions that I have made. I have done things that I have not done before or thought of doing. The people that I met are very nice and several of them I could truly call friends. My Social Calendar has really done wonders for my social life.
- Paul A.
My Social Calendar played a huge part in changing my life last year. I was new to Los Angeles and didn’t know very many people or the area very well. The only thing I had to focus on was work. My Social Calendar got me off the couch, meeting new people, going to lots of incredible new places and having so much fun. I tried events like whitewater rafting and ziplining which are thingsI have never done before. Having a personal Event Director was perfect for me for I was so busy with work that I didn’t have the time to organize anything or enough friends to do it with. Now I have plenty of friends and have a great new life, mostly because of the friends I have met either directly or indirectly through My Social Calendar. Thanks so much for all you folks do in helping us singles find themselves!
- Darren H.
I also met my amazing husband in My Social Calendar!
My Social Calendar allowed me to create lasting friendships by meeting people who had things in common with me just by showing up to the same events. The people in the group are extremely welcoming and come with plenty of laughs to share. I also met my amazing husband in My Social Calendar! We had a lot in common and consistently saw each other at events which helped us establish a solid connection based on our common interests.
- Adair W.
Want To Share Your Story?
Send us your story about your experience joining My Social Calendar to
[email protected]. Include a profile picture and any images you’d like to
share and we might add you to the website!